Artigos/ Estudos Integração corpo-mente
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Biotto, A. (2004). Trabalho corporal com pacientes psiquiátricos: experiência de grupo de movimento em uma clínica psiquiátrica. Trabalho apresentado na Convenção Brasil Latino América, Congresso Brasileiro e Encontro Paranaense de Psicoterapias Corporais. 1.,4.,9., Anais do Centro Reichiano:
Black, D. S., & Slavich, G. M. (2016). Mindfulness meditation and the immune system: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1373(1), 13–24.
Grossman P, Niemann L, Schmidt S, Walach H. Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits. A meta-analysis. J Psychosom Res. 2004 Jul;57(1):35-43. 10.1016/S0022-3999(03)00573-7. PMID: 15256293
Hölzel BK, Hoge EA, Greve DN, Gard T, Creswell JD, Brown KW, et al. Neural mechanisms of symptom improvements in generalized anxiety disorder following Mindfulness training. NeuroImage Clin. 2013;2:448–58.
Mahmoudzadeh S, Mohammadkhani P, Dolatshahi B, Moradi S. Prediction of psychological well-being based on dispositional Mindfulness and cognitive emotion regulation strategies in students. Practice Clin Psychol. 2015;3(3):195–202.
Nickel, M., Cangoez, B., Bachler, E., Muehlbacher, M., Lojewski, N., Mueller-Rabe, N., Mitterlehner, F. O., Leiberich, P., Rother, N., Buschmann, W., Kettler, C., Pedrosa Gil, F., Lahmann, C., Egger, C., Fartacek, R., Rother, W. K., Loew, T. H., & Nickel, C. (2006). Bioenergetic exercises in inpatient treatment of Turkish immigrants with chronic somatoform disorders: a randomized, controlled study. Journal of psychosomatic research, 61(4), 507–513.
Porges, S. W. (2012). Teoria polivagal: Fundamentos neurofisiológicos das emoções, apego, comunicação e auto-regulação (F. Souza, Trad.). Senses.
Yalom, I., & Leszcz, M. (2006). Psicoterapia de Grupo: Teoria e Prática (R. C. Costa, Trad.) (5ª ed.). Artmed.